Sell used camping, cycling, and other outdoor gear
Regear wants to provide customers with the highest quality gear at jump-up-and-down prices! We are dedicating ourselves to a partnership with our consignors to get a fair amount for your items, at the same time providing recycled gear to others at a cost they can afford to pay.
Our consignment fees are based on a sliding scale, relative to the asking price that we collaborate on for your used gear. Look at the table below for an idea of what you can earn for the gear that is gathering dust in your closet right now…
Selling Price | Payout |
Under $500 | 40% |
$500 and Up | 50%/Negotiated |

Dirty gear really bums us out. Don't be that guy. Wash it first!
We work to sell your gear through local channels - we aren’t listing this stuff on Ebay or Amazon and then shipping it all over the world - that kinda defeats the purpose of Local First! So to keep our inventory “so fresh and so clean”, here are some details and suggestions:
- Wash it. Seriously. There are instructions for washing your gear on tags (if you haven’t already ripped them out), on the interwebs and in your mom’s brain (maybe dad’s too).
- Bring us stuff In-season…i.e. don’t bring your snowboards and down jackets to us in May, or your 5” inseam Patagonia shorts to us in the Fall. We will keep your items on the store floor for a minimum of 120 days, or as long as is seasonably appropriate.
- We use a discount system to keep gear moving off the racks and to check and balance our pricing. After 30 days we will knock 20% off and at 60 days it will go to 50% off. You have access at all times through our online system to view your items, and after 90 days all unclaimed gear becomes our property and it will benefit our quarterly partners at that time (Very little chance anything will ever sit around that long at these prices!)
- Fix it first…people generally like to buy things that are in working order. We will provide repairs, washing or fix-it services as needed, just be sure to work that out with us when you bring stuff in
- Did we mention washing/cleaning?
Regear’s consignors are given on-line access to their accounts, allowing them to keep track of their items and store credit as it accrues. Folks who want the moolah can stop in to the store and pick one up after the first of the month after the items sell.
Some of us have the ability to just be gosh-darn good folks. If you would like to donate your used gear, we will donate the amount minus our fee to our current non-profit partner.