About Us

Are you planning an outdoor adventure? We've got the quality, name-brand gear you're looking for! Camping, hiking, cycling, climbing - if you can do it outside, we have the equipment for it. (And if we don't, we probably know a guy who does.) View a list of current inventory, updated in real time.
Regear owner and co-founder Rio Sawhill grew up in North Carolina, ultimately settling in the beautiful town of Boone. Passionate about the outdoors, Rio quickly found a network of like-minded people who shared his desire to recycle, live simply and generally save the earth. He soon realized three things: 1. Boone has some of the best outdoor stuff that America has to offer; 2. It's never a good idea to talk shit to the person who writes copy for your website; and 3. His new town was filled with caring folks who wished there was a local consignment for outdoor gear.
A traveler at heart, Rio had no inclination towards retail or business ownership. But, as he continued to hear fellow residents express their desire to recycle gently used gear, one thing became clear to him: he was tired of just talking about it. The solution? Open the store himself. (And there was much rejoicing.)

Consignment gave year-long residents and broke college students a way to make a few bucks and get the new-to-them gear that they needed. More importantly, it benefited the local economy and reduced the unending cycle of demand for new goods. Unlike most modern consignment - which operates virtually - Regear serves the local community with a physical store front. This provides patrons and consignors with a grassroots opportunity to establish a network of new friends to do cool outdoor stuff with.
In a locally-produced nutshell...
- We will do everything we can to help you find the gently used gear you need. If there is an item you're looking for that is not currently in stock, let us know. We'll work with you to find it.
- Regear is local consignment. Serving residents and visitors of the High Country is our top priority.
- Did we mention "safety first"? We should have. We are all about first time experiences and we want you to have a good one. We're knowledgeable. Ask us questions. Please.
- We owe our success to the support of the local community and are committed to giving back.